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# A compiler for MiniPas using Rascal
* In my compiler construction subject, we made a compiler for a language called
`MiniPas` (a subset of `Pascal`) in C. It generates LLIR code from a `.pas`
## Grammar
* The grammar of the langauge can be found in `src/Syntax.rsc`. We make some
comments here.
* Since `MiniPas` has notions of both functions and procedures, we refer to either
as a `SubProg`.
* Keywords are case insensitive but identifiers are case sensitive.
## Acknowledgements
* The grammar of `MiniPas` is from the course `Compiler Construction` in the University of Groningen.
The programs in `test/input` for `MiniPas` are from this course as well.
* The structure of the `Rascal` code comes from the course `Software Language Engineering` in the University of Groningen