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# What I do when setting up a new computer - 2023-11-12
- I'm setting up a new computer soon, and I found myself with some spare time. I thought I'd jot down what I'll do when I eventually set it up and (if I remember to do so) also update it as time goes by.
For reference, it'll be a Windows gaming laptop, so I won't be setting up a Unix OS or performing any dual boot shenanigans.
## Apps to Install
* General:
* 7-zip
* Chrome
* Bitwarden
* Discord
* Everything
* Gimp
* Study:
* Typora
* Zotero
* Entertainment:
* Spotify
* Steam
* Programming:
* Android Studio
* CLion
* Docker
* Idea IntelliJ
* Postman
* PyCharm
* Visual Studio
* Visual Studio Code
* WebStorm
* WireShark
## Workflows
* Update windows
* Get rid of bloatware (via Installed Apps)
* Update software
* Update graphics drivers
* Set startup apps
* Turn off RGB lighting
* Change display scaling
* MUX Switch
* Enable file extensions
* Dark Mode
* Wallpapers
* Desktop icons
* I will set up automatic backups of certain directories